Engaging young people and families in research matters
Meaningful engagement with young people and families as advisors and co-investigators in health and social sciences research results in richer, more inclusive, and more usable research evidence.
Knowing about youth culture and its social norms means being better prepared to navigate shifting social values, anticipating the emerging wants and needs of the population, planning new public resource distribution strategies, and adapting our health and social systems to better address an ever-evolving society.
IN•GAUGE research program participants hope you will engage young people and families as advisors and/or co-investigators in your next health or social sciences research project.
To help, they’ve created these tools to use as your guide.
Research frameworks
How to engage young people and families in research
IN•GAUGE research evidence shows that at least seven fluid engagement concepts are critical to the meaningful engagement of young people and families as advisors and co-investigators in health and social sciences research.
Find out how to manage motivators, goals, facilitators and barriers, expressions of identity and culture, reinforcers, relationships, and experiential knowledge over the course of your next research project involving children, youth, and families.
Youth Framework
Get the Youth Engagement in Research Framework and use it to guide your next research project involving children and youth. This framework illustrates how young people say researchers can create a culturally inclusive research environment, how to meaningfully engage them in research, which conditions should be met throughout the research process, and what they hope to get out of their experience.
Youth Engagement in Research Framework
A tool for engaging young people in research.
Young people have a right to be engaged, and a right to be heard.
Meaningful engagement with young people in research results in richer, more culturally-inclusive, and more usable research evidence.
Young people are participating in the IN•GAUGE research program and sharing their voices on how to engage youth in research.
Use the Youth Engagement in Research Framework as your guide.
The Framework illustrates how youth say to create a culturally-inclusive research environment, how to meaningfully engage them in your research, which conditions should be met throughout the research process, and what they hope to get out of their experience.
How to Engage Families
Manage motivators, goals, facilitators and barriers, expressions of identity and culture, reinforcers, relationships, and experiential knowledge over the course of your next research project involving families.
Family Framework
Get the Family Engagement in Research Framework and use it as a starting point for your research involving families. This framework illustrates how families say researchers can create a safe space to discuss difficult experiences, which family dynamics to identify and address from the start, and why families choose to share about themselves for research purposes.