IN∙GAUGE is an innovative research program founded by Dr. Roberta L. Woodgate on the belief that young people have a right to be heard in research. The IN∙GAUGE research program creatively engages children, youth, and families as partner advisors and co-investigators in health and social sciences research projects with an overall aim to amplify their voices, improve their well-being, and advance the type and extent of care they receive.
Our research projects
IN∙GAUGE research projects are decided by the young people and families engaged as advisors and co-investigators in the program.
Topics investigated include health and social issues experienced by young people as individuals, within families and relationships, within socio-ecological systems.
No matter the project, IN∙GAUGE research program participants say their choices are ultimately motivated by a desire to help others.
Participate & CollabOrate
Young People & familiesJoin a Research study
Share your voice in one of these featured research projects, now recruiting!
Young People & familiesSubmit a Research Topic
Inspire new research projects by telling us which issues matter most to you.
RESEARCHERSForm a research team
Produce stronger, more usable research evidence by engaging children, youth, and families.
OUR team
With the support of her team of student trainees and professional staff who work as research assistants and research associates, funding for IN∙GAUGE projects is identified and secured by Dr. Woodgate from various public sources through an extensive grant-writing process. She and the IN∙GAUGE team then engage with anywhere from one to dozens of young people as advisors and co-investigators in research.
Once engaged in a project, IN∙GAUGE program participants receive mentorship from Dr. Woodgate and the IN∙GAUGE research team as they share in deciding the research topic, how the research is to be done, which data collection and analysis methods to use, and how to creatively share the resulting research evidence.
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